Welcome to the Iowa City/County Management Association (IaCMA)!
The Iowa City/County Management Association (IaCMA) is an organization of local government management officials (e.g., managers, administrators, assistants and other administrative staff) working together to improve the public administration profession in the state of Iowa. The Iowa City/County Management Association was established in 1972 with the purpose of increasing the knowledge and ability of the local government managers and administrators, to promote the exchange of information between the members, and support the functions and the aims of the International City Management Association.
Contact Us!
Mickey Shields, Deputy Director with the Iowa League of Cities, at:
(515) 244-7282
Mailing Address:
c/o Iowa League of Cities
500 SW 7th St., Suite 101
Des Moines, IA 50309
The Iowa City/County Management Association is administered by the Iowa League of Cities.