Membership for IaCMA is from July 1 through June 30 annually. There are many ways you can become a member of IaCMA, starting with a full active membership to maintaining your association with a retired membership.
Joining IaCMA is a wonderful opportunity for you to share your knowledge and experience with others and for them to share theirs with you. As a member, you enjoy many benefits such as professional development through conferences and networking, member services, personal aid and sharing problems and solutions.
Your IaCMA membership also grants you access to GrapeVine, a listserve where you can pose questions and discussions with your IaCMA member peers about issues you and your community may face. GrapeVine access is only available for full active memberships and expires each dues year on June 30. If you have renewed your membership prior to the expiration, your subscription will remain intact through the next dues year. If you have not renewed your membership prior to the expiration, your subscription will end and you will need to request access once you have renewed your membership.
Your membership dues amount is based on your city's population size from the 2020 Census. If your community has an updated census reflecting a different population range, please choose the applicable population size and rate to complete your 2024-2025 membership.
Complete your Membership Dues here!
Full Active Membership Dues are based on your city/county's population size:
- Populations less than 3,000: $120
- Populations between 3,000 and 9,999: $150
- Populations between 10,000 and 24,999: $500
- Populations greater than 25,000: $600
Full membership gives you access to GrapeVine, a listserve designed specifically for city/county managers and other full members to interact directly about important issues that may be affecting your city/county.
Associate Membership Dues: $100
Associate membership does not grant you access to GrapeVine.
Retired Membership Dues: $20
Student Membership Dues: $20
No GrapeVine access with either Retired or Student membership.
Do you have any membership questions? Contact your regional coordinator